Tag: tudung

  • PKMS’ Views on recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue

    PKMS’ Views on recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue

    PKMS’ Views on recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue


    In the wake of the recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue, PKMS would like to offer our views on the matter. Even though we understand the rationale for wanting to maintain a “common space” for all communities, we do not totally agree with the government’s approach of trying to resolve the matter solely behind closed doors with only selected groups. With the Minister leaving the door open by mentioning that the Government would continue to look for outcomes that would fulfil the aspirations of the community, PKMS sincerely hopes that the Government would listen to the views of all parties with respect to the tudung issue, including our opposition parties, so that the aspirations of the Malay Muslim community could be realised in the near future.


    Merujuk perbahasan di Parlimen baru-baru ini tentang isu tudung, PKMS ingin memberi pandangan mengenai perkara ini. Walaupun kami faham rasional untuk menjaga “ruang bersama” untuk semua pihak, kami tidak setuju sepenuhnya dengan pendekatan pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini di belakang tabir dengan pihak-pihak yang tertentu sahaja. Dengan kenyataan Menteri bahawa pemerintah akan mencari penyelesaian yang sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat, kami secara jujur mengharap agar pemerintah akan mempertimbangkan pandangan-pandangan semua pihak, termasuk parti-parti pembangkang, demi memenuhi keinginan masyarakat Melayu Islam dalam masa yang terdekat.

    Unity Loyalty Service

    PKMS Secretariat Office

    Views: 352