PKMS has contributed a sum of $2430 which was collected from the party's Supreme Council and ordinary members.

Sumbangan kepada Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation

PKMS News, Political Bureau, Updates, Welfare

PKMS sudah memberikan sumbangan sebanyak $2430 yang terkumpul daripada ahli – ahli Majlis Tertinggi PKMS dan beberapa ahli biasa PKMS. Dana ini telah di sumbangkan kepada  Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation sebagai bantuan ikhlas kepada warga negara Palestine yang memerlukan bantuan. Doa kami semoga Allah menghindar musibah yang di alami dan mempermudahkan perjalanan hidup mereka. Insya Allah, Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin YRA. …

PKMS’ Views on recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue

PKMS News, Political Bureau, Updates

PKMS’ Views on recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue English In the wake of the recent parliamentary debate on the tudung issue, PKMS would like to offer our views on the matter. Even though we understand the rationale for wanting to maintain a “common space” for all communities, we do not totally agree with the government’s approach of trying …


PKMS Cultural, Events, News, Updates

The PKMS Cultural Department will organize its inaugural project – “Self Defense Workshop” on February 20, 2021, Saturday from 12 noon to 2 PM at the PKMS Heritage Hall. The fee for this workshop is as stated, $ 10 per person. Hope everyone can support and contribute to this project. The funds raised will be used for future PKMS Cultural …


PKMS News, Updates, Welfare

Salam sejahtera, Dalam kita menghadapi situasi pandemik di serata Singapura sejak Mac 2020, ramai pelanggan-pelanggan Melayu Islam Singapura menghadapi masalah kewangan yang kurang stabil. Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah SWT, Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura (PKMS) telah membentuk satu strategi yang dapat membantu memberikan suntikan kepada pelanggan-pelanggan Melayu Islam kita di Singapura. Sahabat PKMS adalah satu projek hasil idea dari Ketua Kebajikan …

Back To School Project 2020

PKMS Events, Updates, Welfare

Back To School Project 2020 Praise to Almighty, we had concluded our inaugural Back To School Project 2020 on the 19 Dec 2020 in which, with the support of sponsors involved, PKMS is able to contribute to 60 students, who came from all walks of life. Thank you to President Abu Mohamed, Vice President 2 Kuswadi Atnawi, Head of Welfare …

PKMS 25th Biennial General Meeting 2020-2022

PKMS Conventions, News, Updates

PKMS 25th Biennial General Meeting 2020-2022 Date: 29th November 2020 Day: Sunday Time: 8:00am to 4.30pm Location: Dewan Warisan, Level 2, PKMS Multipurpose Hall To all of the PKMS members/delegates, it is nice to see all of you in this big event, our Biennial General Meeting. Hope to see all of you again at our future events. Views: 200

Appreciation from Marine Parade NPC

PKMS News, Updates

PKMS was just given an appreciation plaque on the 16 December 2020 for contribution and valuable support in overall preparedness and readiness against national exigencies, and to fight crime from Marine Parade NPC. Views: 84

PKMS Welfare Project – Back to School

PKMS News, Updates, Welfare

PKMS Welfare Project – Back to School We exist to improve the educational success of the disadvantaged children in our community by providing items needed for school, building their self-esteem, and improving their well-being. Charity Project Back to School by PKMS is an outreach by the PKMS welfare department that provides FREE school supply kits, backpacks, and school shoes for …