Category: Conventions


    PKMS akan mengadakan Sesi Orientasi PKMS 2021 yang akan bertempatkan di Dewan Warisan pada 2 April 2021 jam 2.30 petang. Orientasi ini terbuka untuk ahli-ahli baru dan juga Pemuda di bawah usia 45 tahun. Pendaftaran terhad.

    Sila daftarkan diri untuk Sesi ini melalui kod QR yang tertera ataupun melalui tautan ini:

    Views: 428

  • PKMS 25th Biennial General Meeting 2020-2022

    PKMS 25th Biennial General Meeting 2020-2022

    PKMS 25th Biennial General Meeting 2020-2022

    Date: 29th November 2020

    Day: Sunday

    Time: 8:00am to 4.30pm

    Location: Dewan Warisan, Level 2, PKMS Multipurpose Hall

    To all of the PKMS members/delegates, it is nice to see all of you in this big event, our Biennial General Meeting. Hope to see all of you again at our future events.

    Views: 208

  • Political Event and PKMS Preparation for General Election 2020

    Political Event and PKMS Preparation for General Election 2020

    Political Event and PKMS Preparation for General Election 2020

    Time: 2pm – 5pm
    Venue: Dewan Warisan PKMS

    Praise to Almighty, the Political Event, organized by the PKMS Political Bureau, was done on the 19 January 2020

    The members of PKMS from 20 different Branches have attended. Plenty of discussions and enlightenment were given.

    Thank you very much to the members of PKMS who have attended. We hope in the next Political Event, there will be more people to attend.

    Views: 331

  • Hari Raya PKMS Gathering -Millenial Raya 2019

    Hari Raya PKMS Gathering -Millenial Raya 2019

    Hari Raya PKMS Gathering – Millenial Raya 2019

    On the Hari Raya PKMS Gathering 2019, this event also include with the 3rd Anniversary for the Veteran Club in conjunction with our PKMS Cultural Night.
    Date: 23 June 2019
    Time: 7.30pm
    Venue: Dewan Warisan PKMS

    Praise to Almighty, this 3-in-1 event run smoothly. Many were present at Dewan Warisan PKMS to celebrate this event.

    A lot of our PKMS Members and also our invited guests from other Alternative Parties in Singapore did attend to this event.

    We hope we will be able to meet again for the next Hari Raya Gathering next year.

    God Willing

    Views: 245

  • 3P Forum: Special Forum For PKMS Members

    3P Forum: Special Forum For PKMS Members

    3P Forum: Special Forum For PKMS Members

    The 3P Forum is an event held to discuss and share the vision and mission of the Organization as well as the idea of ​​promoting and increasing the numbers of PKMS membership via member’s referral.

    3P – Peningkatan, Pendekatan, Perpaduan

    Peningkatan –  Enhancement
    Pendekatan – Approach
    Perpaduan – Unity

    The event is held on Saturday, 27th April 2019.
    At 2pm – 6pm on Level 2, Dewan Warisan, PKMS Multi – Purpose Hall.

    The event is organised by PKMS Head of Information and his team.

    Views: 908

  • PKMS 24th Biennial General Meeting 2018-2020

    PKMS 24th Biennial General Meeting 2018-2020

    PKMS 24th Biennial General Meeting 2018-2020

    Date: 25th November 2018

    Day: Sunday

    Time: 8:30am to 5.30pm

    Location: Dewan Warisan, Level 2, PKMS Multi-purpose Hall

    We sincerely appreciate the presence of all Opposition Party Comrades who were present. To all of the PKMS members/delegates, it is nice to see all of you in this big event, our Biennial General Meeting. Hope to see all of you again at our future events.

    Thank you

    Views: 83

  • PKMS Sinar Aidilfitri 2018 Cum Launch of PKMS Heritage Hall

    PKMS Sinar Aidilfitri 2018 Cum Launch of PKMS Heritage Hall

    Event: PKMS Aidilfitri Gathering

    Date: July 14, 2018

    Time: 7.30pm to 10.30pm.

    Location: PKMS Heritage Hall

    PKMS celebrate Sinar Aidilfitri 2018 together with veteran artist and local junior artist. A big thank you to our hosts, Dhwan Abu and Diana Nazyra.

    In conjunction with Sinar Aidilfitri, we also took this opportunity to launch our PKMS Multi-Purpose Hall; Dewan Warisan (Heritage Hall). This Heritage Hall will be a centre venue for all PKMS activities and functions. This Heritage Hall is also opened for rental for all our members.

    We are very honored this year, for the first time, Dr. Tan Cheng Bock were with us. Other Political Parties present were also honored by the presence of Dr. Tan Cheng Bock. Not to forget, Mr Tan Jee Say who never fail to join us in this event yearly.

    Thank you to all of the guests from Singapore Opposition Parties as well as some local Political Activists who were present. Hopefully we will meet again at Sinar Aidilfitri in the following year.

    Views: 168

  • PKMS Iftar 2018

    PKMS Iftar 2018

    Event: PKMS Yearly Iftar
    Location: PKMS Multipurpose Hall; Dewan Warisan
    Date: 12 June 2018

    Our first Iftar at PKMS Dewan Warisan, Level 2 of PKMS Building.
    More than 70 people joined us in the Iftar.
    Thank you for joining us in our Iftar and hope to see all of you again next year.

    Thank you

    Views: 89

  • PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017

    PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017


    Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Let us be grateful to the merciful Allah SWT, for with His grace, we can be together at the PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017. In the past, we only have Bi-Enniel Genral Meeting. However,  this today onwards we will be having a General Meeting Annually. One general meeting will be like today where we will report on Organization’s activities and another year as usual, we will have election process for the next term’s Supreme Council line up.

    All the preparations for the success of the Annual Meeting of the PKMS (AGM) have been completed. Alhamdulillah, on the same day we also had our Veteran’s Club First Year Anniversary.

    Event: PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017 Cum Veteran’s Club First Year Anniversary
    Date: 27th August 2017

    Time: 9 am – 5 pm

    Place: PKMS building level 4

    Views: 116

  • Tahlil Ceremony AT PKMS

    Tahlil Ceremony AT PKMS

    Alhamdulillah. Our tahlil ceremony on 15 Disember 2017, which was specially done for our loved ones whom had already passed on, just ended. This Tahlil ceremony is also specially done for our PKMS hero, the late Sarhid Bin Yusoff, who has just passed on due to Heart Attack on 29th November 2017 in Doha, Qatar.

    May his spirits be in peace. Our sincerely Condolences to his Family. His contributions and dedication towards PKMS will always be remembered. Aamiin aamiin aamiin YRA.


    Views: 323