PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017


Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Let us be grateful to the merciful Allah SWT, for with His grace, we can be together at the PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017. In the past, we only have Bi-Enniel Genral Meeting. However,  this today onwards we will be having a General Meeting Annually. One general meeting will be like today where we will report on Organization’s activities and another year as usual, we will have election process for the next term’s Supreme Council line up.

All the preparations for the success of the Annual Meeting of the PKMS (AGM) have been completed. Alhamdulillah, on the same day we also had our Veteran’s Club First Year Anniversary.

Event: PKMS Annual General Meeting 2017 Cum Veteran’s Club First Year Anniversary
Date: 27th August 2017

Time: 9 am – 5 pm

Place: PKMS building level 4

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